COVID-19, a rare global emergency that has led to a serious concern.

There are many types of Corona-Viruses usually causing symptoms like common cold to acute respiratory disease. These include the “SARS-COV” and the “MERS-COV” which were previously associated with outbreaks in humans in 2002 and 2012. SARS-CoV 1 originated in China while MERS-CoV originated in Middle East countries.

However, the new Coronavirus, NOVEL CORONA-VIRUS which is responsible for the 2019-2020 pandemic causes an illness called COVID-19.

“So, basically what happens when you get infected?”

Viruses usually infect your body by latching onto and entering healthy cells, after the invasion it multiplies inside host cells making our immune system weak and prone to infections.

The COVID-19 is shown to enter from your eyes, nose, or mouth. It then attaches itself to protein receptors, especially those in the lungs. Eventually, they kill some of the healthy cells due to this our immune system counterattacks which leads to inflammation, hence, Fever.

The Coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 produces more severe symptoms as compared to the other illnesses because it penetrates deep into our lungs, especially the lower respiratory tract and causing symptoms similar to LRTI (Lower Respiratory Tract Infections). The symptoms may appear within 5-14 days after exposure to the virus based on the incubation period.

Following are the most common symptoms which are apparent in people suffering from COVID-19 and the percentage of people having them;

Also when it comes to the people infected, few of them might experience some serious complications such as ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome).

The severity of the illness depends upon the individual himself. People who are old aged, immune-compromised, having comorbidities such as Diabetes will show more severe symptoms as compared to healthy individuals. Similarly, infants, newborns and or children under developing age are more prone to infections.

Not everyone who has COVID-19 has these serious complications. And not everyone needs medical attention haga clic aquí. But if your symptoms include trouble breathing, you need emergency medical help.


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